ESB - Inclusive, cooperative extended school-based care
Since the school year 2011/12, the cooperation between the Karmeliterschule, primary school for the station district and the Weißfrauenschule at the joint location has intensified. As of the 2014/15 school year, we have an inclusive and cooperative extended school care (ESB) on the school grounds. A total of 56 places are available for pupils from the Weißfrauenschule and the Karmeliterschule. With the establishment of joint care, both schools and the provider pursue the idea of strengthening acceptance in terms of integration and inclusion not only among the children, but also in both school communities.
The provider of the inclusive childcare is the Evangelische Verein für Jugendsozialarbeit in Frankfurt am Main e.V. (Protestant Association for Youth Social Work in Frankfurt am Main).
Applications for ESB can only be made via the website of the Frankfurt am Main Municipal Education Authority.
You can find our concept here.
Contact ESB Karmeliterschule / Weißfrauenschule:
Head: Stefanie Dippel
Telephone: 069 90021683