Student Council (SV)
In the 3rd and 4th grade there is already a class council session in which the children are given time and space for their concerns and co-decision-making. The class representatives bring these concerns to the SV meeting.
Who belongs to the SV?
The class representatives and their representatives from classes 3 and 4 meet regularly with the SV teachers for the SV meeting.
What are the tasks of the SV?
Through the SV, the pupils can actively participate in shaping their school. The SV represents the rights of the pupils. It looks after their interests and thus helps to shape school life.
The SV talks about and discusses class-wide problems. It tries to find solutions to satisfy all the interests of the school community.
What are the goals of the SV?
The children learn to represent the interests of their class, to develop ideas and to make suggestions. They look for solutions together. In doing so, they learn to represent and justify their opinions.
The pupils expand their competences. They learn the rules of conversation and strengthen their self-confidence and sense of community.
Guidance Counsellors
The SV teachers have the task of advising and supporting the pupils in the planning and implementation of their projects. They coordinate between the SV and the school management.
They are also liaison teachers and have an open ear for all pupils. They are trustworthy contact persons for problems and worries in school as well as in private contexts. The liaison teachers look for solutions with the pupils or support them as a neutral person during discussions.
The liaison teachers for this school year are:
Frau Reith
Frau Nettke